Table of Contents / Overview / TLDR: Crazytalk
a year ago, when i saw the AI ART backlash of artists and creators most of whom, owe their careers to copying and remixing other artists, UP IN ARMS about OpenAI & co’s “scraping of the public web” as an artist, creator, freelancer, and ai/tech/xr enthusiast, i was split
i saw both sides of the argument.
✨ i call these Illusions not because they are not real, or because the do not exist i’m not trying to invalidate your sense of security the ground on which we all walk is very stable but it is also VERY chaotic, random, and messy things TREND like flocks but SCATTER randomly like lightning LIFE is messy REALITY is messy for TOO LONG we’ve been lead by our ears and noses, the generation before us told us how to ACT but not how to BE cause they didn’t get a chance to figure that out. they were the first generation that wasn’t told to shut up. to go work on the farm. they were the boomers and willennials who thought the party was never gonna stop but 2008 and other subsequent events (and events prior) show us that, these things do not care what humans want, they are matters of physics and ,,chance” 3. OKAY, WHAT?? I say all that to set a moral, and philosophical backdrop. think of a Christmas Physics lecture. I can’t just show you the final idea, i have to work up to the idea, making sure i have your consent, and understanding each step of the way. and, ok, let’s assume this is too dense or convoluted to understand. maybe it seems to nebulous, or conspiratorial minded or jaded and paranoid or overly-optimistic, or overly-ambitious BUT THAT is humanity’s M.O. sometimes, once we do what we must, we’re able to do what we can. humanity loves to do things just because we can. test our limits. our boundaries. we push forward frontiers, physical, and digital, spiritual and emotional, mental and technological, creative and destructive forces. each human wields these forces (we’re just a bag of energy rippling in an ocean of energy), and no matter what you or your ancestors may have come to feel about it, or name it, if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that sometimes, things just send a shiver down your spine, and you don’t know why, or what, but you just know that it seems like your whole brainstem just orgasmed and agreed that it saw something it had been assuming it would see for a looooooong time.
ok, yeah that’s great. but then steve jobs and spotify and netflix, and everything’s a commodity and everyone owes everyone 30%+ commission for doing nothing. right??? well… what if i told you it doesn’t have to be that way? Then, what if i told you, the software to support an open, spatial, collaborative 3D↔2D↔XR↔Mobile↔Desktop↔Console multi-platform cross-play “simultaneous creation and consumption” engine exists? Alex Evans created it with Media Molecule, funded by Sony PlayStation. but, sony, has decided to pull the plug on long term support for the truly REVOLUTIONARY software ecosystem and collaborative online MMO creation & sharing / discovery platform humanity has ever seen. and 99% of you don’t even know it exists, or only know a fraction of its capabilities cause Sony seemingly spent 1% of their budget marketing this thing.
S O N Y ! ! !
the company that gave you this ad:
couldn’t figure out how to get out it’s own way enough to let this Mario-Paint-VR-ass-having MASTERPIECE sell itself: